Microsoft Minesweeper helps you maintain mental acuity! To remove all of the tiles from the board without setting off any of the hidden mines is the goal.
Find the empty squares while avoiding the mines. To win the game, you must uncover all of the safe squares without triggering a mine. A timer and the number of mines remaining can be found in the upper right-hand corner. Use this information to find all of the safe squares as quickly as possible!
Find the empty squares while avoiding the mines. To win the game, you must uncover all of the safe squares without triggering a mine. A timer and the number of mines remaining can be found in the upper right-hand corner. Use this information to find all of the safe squares as quickly as possible!
Avoiding mines:
The numbers in each square indicate the number of mines in adjacent squares. You can use this information to tactically flag potential mine spots with the right mouse button, and with the left mouse button, you can uncover (hopefully) safe squares. If you're unsure about a square, right-click on it twice to add a question mark. Squares with no assigned number are completely safe.
Tips and tricks:
Consider your options logically. If a number 1 is only touching one square, you know it's a mine. The same can be said for a 1 - 2 - 1 pattern in a straight line; the connected 1 squares can be marked with a flag.
How to play:
Use the mouse to play.