Play Geometry Dash Astral Divinity to start a new adventure with the character. It is a 2.1 solo Extreme Demon developed and published by Knobbelboy.
This game is also known as God Eater and one of the most object-dense Demons in Geometry Dash. Specifically, there are 294,666 objects in this game. Play the game and explore them now. If you are interested in this game, don't ignore other versions such as Geometry Dash Infinite Circles and Geometry Jump World on our website.
0-11%: At the start of the game, you will control a ship to fly over numerous spikes and high walls. Then, you will enter a wave section.
12-27%: Then, you will switch to a cube section. Guide a cube to jump over a lava pit and slide as fast as possible to escape from a giant monster known as the God Eater. Next, the game transitions to a ball section.
28-45%: After that, when the beat increases, you will enter an extreme triple-speed ship sequence with a bunch of gravity portals and narrow spaces, as well as a mini-portal at the end. Then, the game switches to a hard and fast wave section with very tight spaces and gravity portals scattered throughout this quarter. Next, you will come to a dual cube starting with a few jump orbs. Following that, you will switch to a long, straight-fly segment with some teleportation portals in the mix.
46-60%: Afterward, you will enter a ball section. At this part, the light constantly flashes, which makes it difficult to see obstacles.
61-82%: Next, the game transitions to a short UFO section and then a cube sequence with a tattoo-like object in the background. After that, the character changes to a ship that flies through tight gaps. Next, it transforms into a UFO with a yellow portal above and lots of jump orbs. After that, you will enter a very tight wave section with a gravity portal at half speed.
83-86%: Following that, the game transitions to a ball segment with slopes, a few jump orbs, and some custom rotating saw blades.
87-95%: The next section is a dual cube with a few jump orbs and jumps, and a single triple spike jump. Control a cube to slide as fast as possible to the destination where a monster flashes in the background.
How to control: Click the left mouse button to jump or fly up.